
A calming vortex surrounded by sun-drenched fields, orange groves and lavender farms, jagged mountains washed in a rosy, sunset glow. Aromatic, herbal, citrus. Pixie tangerine, blue lavender, coyote mint.

Just set it and forget it! These low maintenance Reed Diffusers offer all-day fragrance with no match necessary. Perfect for living room nooks or as a bookshelf companion.

Each diffuser contains a 3.5 fl oz blend of naturally-derived and man-made fragrance oils in a 4 oz amber apothecary-inspired bottle.

Lasts approximately 3-4 months.

Includes a bundle of 9" long naturally-harvested rattan reeds to absorb and slowly release the fragrance.


Product Materials: Reusable, Vegan
Packaging: Recyclable
Production: Carbon neutral, Sustainably sourced

Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.8 x 9 in